Clearlakes Chorale functions thanks to donors like you. While members pay dues to join and also pay for their own music, in order to function, the group needs more income. If you enjoy singing or enjoy the concerts, please consider donating using the button to the left. You do not need to own a PayPal account. You can use your credit card. After you click on this button you will be taken to a donation page. Enter the amount you wish to donate and then choose the PayPay or the Credit Card button. Choose one and enter the appropriate information. You do not need to create a PayPal account.
If you wish to donate anonymously and/or to make a memorial donation in someone else's name, please give us this information in the Note section of the payment information.
If you prefer to donate by check, please click on this donate button which will provide you with a downloadable donation form to mail with your check.